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Use Arrow Keys or Buttons Below To Move
You need to use Firefox or Google Chrome to Play Marbles"

Play the actual game
	0 - open area - red square
	1 - wall - black square
	2 - wall - blue dot
	3 - finish - checkered
	4 - ice (slippery) - light blue block
	l - left redirect - arrow
	r - right redirect - arrow
	u - up redirect - arrow
	d - down redirect - arrow
	b - boulder (moveable) - brown dot
	s - switch - setter switch location
		- where putting a boulder on opens the other switch
	S - switch - getter switch location
		- where you can go through if ^ has something on it
			you can have multiple switches but a boulder on one setter will activate all getters
			having a setter with no getter is ok but will act like a open area
			having a getter with no setter is ok but will act like a wall
			stepping on a setter will open getters but once you step off you will close the getters
			you cannot step from a setter onto a getter,
	f or F - Flip Flops - red arrow
		- acts as left or right redirect
		- changes direction once player or boulder passes over it
	i - wall - black square
		- if 'i' is used as a wall, movement won't be locked while animated movements occur
			this makes the game unreliable and easy to cheat is some cases
	anything not defined above - black wall