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Pocket Counter

I made a small little counter/stopwatch with a microcontroller and an 8-segment display. I had some microcontrollers laying around and noticed the number of pins and physical size perfectly allowed an 8-segment display, two buttons, and a status LED. I came up with a little project with a satisfying form.....
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Feb 26, 2024
PCB for Washing Machine Drain Overflow

I made a microcontroller project to detect when my washing machine overflows. But I wasn’t very happy with how sloppily the project box came together.
A few pcb manufacturing companies advertise heavily to my favorite youtube creators. So it seemed like a fun goal to make my own...
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Feb 20, 2024
Bottle Warmer Power Fix

We had a baby! Itsagirl.
And we’re frugal. We got a free portable bottle warmer (a Baby Brew) from a friend’s sister who was done having kids.
Unfortunately I couldn’t get it to work…..
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Feb 1, 2024
Washing Machine Drain Overflow Auto-Cutoff

It usually freezes in our town a few times a year. Sometimes for a day or two, sometimes for a week. Some of our pipes freeze if it stays cold enough for a few days. It’s usually something that a space heater can fix. Only rarely has it been bad.....
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Feb 1, 2024
Work headset auto-pause disable

My day-job provided a bluetooth headset. I like that it will connect to my work pc as well as my phone. So I can listen to music from my phone, and it will also pick up notifications from my pc. And auto switches to the PC for meetings. My issue.....
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Jan 31, 2024
Home office busy light

I work from home. So does my wife. We’re both pretty respectful of each other’s office space. But sometimes you’re in a meeting or doing some high-concentration work where you really can’t afford a distraction...
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Jan 16, 2024
Garage Door Monitor

A door leads from my kitchen to my garage.
I spend a lot of time in my garage tinkering - and going in and out of that door to the house.
Unfortunately a collision occurs..
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Jan 15, 2024
Quick Switch Disc Golf Retriever Weight

I recently made a system for quickly switching my disc golf retreiver accessories (link). My Rogue Iron retreiver seems strong and I’ve never had issues with it - but I have seen other retrievers break before. I wanted to run some numbers and see how much extra stress I may.....
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Mar 23, 2023
Quick Switch Disc Golf Retriever

I play disc golf - and sometime lose discs in the water or up in trees. I’ve owned a few disc retrievers and recently bought a “Max Disctance” suction cup ball. It works really well in the water, but isn’t really designed for everything. The problem is that switching between.....
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Mar 22, 2023

I wrote a simple pong game in javascript. I sent a link to my friend. He was quick to make fun of the very bland white-on-black pong game I made. He told me it looked like the “before” example in a video he shared on “juicing” your game...
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Jun 2, 2022
Maze Game

I believe I originally made this game around 2014. It features a character in a maze. You can move in the cardinal directions.
Be sure to try the level editor!..
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Jun 1, 2022
Hamster Flight

My senior year of college I applied to work at a game studio. They asked that I create a javascript game over the weekend. I decided to use their company’s mascot (a hamster) and put them against my cats in a little shooter game...
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Nov 12, 2021
Gravity Game

I made a physics game where you launch a “spacecraft” (red circle) and attempt to land on a “planet” (green circle). You use the gravity from nearby “planets” (blue circles) to collect bonuses (purple dots). The longer the trip the more points! Your score is divided by the number of.....
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Nov 12, 2021
Welder wire feeder fix

My cheap Craigslist welder broke.
Specifically the wire feed circuit blew.
The fuse blew as well as one of the traces on the board. Here I replaced one of the traces but as I replaced traces others blew...
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Dec 4, 2020
UV light ground wire

I bought a UV light (link). I use it to activate glow-in-the-dark disc golf discs while playing night rounds.
I was having some trouble with an inconsistent electrical connection and decided to poke around...
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Nov 11, 2020